Saturday, 6 November 2010

The news in brief.

Saw my oldest pal this week. There was so much chatter, it was nuts. Massive amounts of gossip and the realisation that I’d forget to tell him large-ish occurrences in my life, yet I still manage to text “Omigosh! Merlin was epic tonight!!” or “Gavin Henson dances like a cardboard box.” Perhaps it’s not a big deal if the Pal doesn’t know.

The November Challenge is fine, by the way. My Nan offered me a biscuit and when I said no, ta, she said, “Go on, I won’t look.” How can you resist an offer like that? With great difficulty, that’s how, but I did. So take that, sugar addiction.

Did I mention I’ve got an interview at the end of the month? It’s for occasional work that is certainly not going to set my world on fire, but there’s a chance that if I get it my bank statement’s won’t look like this anymore:

IN: £0.00

OUT: £78.56

I’ve applied to a few other jobs and otherwise caned the writing this week. There was also post-birthday-sorry-I-couldn’t-make-it drinks with H. And I’m about halfway through my Christmas shopping (sorry, bank account) and I’m counting the days till the 19th. Bring on the Potter!! (Although as far as I’m concerned it’s Bring on the Neville!!)

Otherwise I’m pooped. Bye-bye, motivation. See you in the spring. There’s something really depressing about not earning at this time of year. I’m not doing what I did last year and buying crappy small presents to save money. I’m not chucking my savings around like a man with no arms, but I am buying nice gifts, thank you very much. Maybe it’s the darkness, it’s not exactly conducive to going out there and smacking the world on the nose. It’s hibernation time as far as I’m concerned. Still got my good feeling though.

To keep me cosy on these long, dark nights I’m looking for a cosy and baggy read, like last year’s Bleak House, since I’ve heard sweet FA about an upcoming BBC period drama. I was hoping to get The Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follet, but the library doesn’t have it. Also is it fogey if I was stunned that they were playing MUSIC in the LIBRARY??

P.S. Matt or Kara for Strictly champ 2010! (X who?)

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