Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Banging head against brick wall?

I can’t be the only unemployed person that thinks that, right? That all I’m doing really is smashing my head up against a brick wall and not really getting anywhere. It’s got to a point where I can’t actually remember how many applications I’ve sent out. Or who to. And then there’s the looming possibility that actually, sorry, off you go into some job you don’t really want purely because you need some money to help out with the bills and put clothes on your back.

I really wish money wasn’t such an issue. I know some people would say, well you live at home, it’s not like you need money for rent or bills or anything. But actually I live with my Mum and Nan and I actually think I do need to help with the bills as I live here and use the gas, electricity and water too. And last time I checked I was a grown woman who shouldn’t be living off her Mum. And unfortunately you need money to live. I like the odd night out, the occasional trip to the cinema or lunch out with friends. And guess what – that costs money!

So go on, tell me how exactly I’m supposed to go about getting my dream job. I’d really love to know. But please none of this “I just fell into it” rubbish because all I ever fall into is the sale rack at H&M.

That being said – or, more accurately, ranted – I have spent the last couple of days emailing loads of different magazines about job opportunities or work experience. I thought as my working in the theatre line of job-hunting wasn’t exactly setting the world alight I should consider other options. So I’ve been looking into more school work (with a particular focus on drama) and working on a magazine. I’ve had a couple of responses, which was lovely given my current ARGH!! mood and there’s a chance of some up-coming work experience. So I’m keeping my fingers crossed. Maybe I’ll realise that this is EXACTLY what I want to do and lo, I’ll be surrounded by actual people have have done it! Who are doing it! And then… then I’ll be able to ASK them how! Pass me the smelling salts, I may be about to get some answers!

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